Anticipating the 2011 FNB Whisky Live Festival
Last year I experienced my first Whisky Live Festival in Johannesburg, and was blown away. As a first-timer, I found the sheer number of whiskies, stands and attendees astounding. Here were thousands...
View ArticleCheckers Private Barrel Co Is Releasing Its 10th Expression – A Real Beaut
Checkers LiquorShop has done it again! They’ve gone and sourced their 10th Single Barrel whisky and it is lovely. A 16 year old Glenburgie this time. If you aren’t familiar with the distillery, I’m...
View ArticleScotland 2018 – An Incredible Day At Glendronach
I made it back to Scotland recently! How did it happen? A video I submitted on the GAS (GlenDronach Appreciation Society) Facebook page (head on over and join us) was picked as a winning entry in a...
View ArticleScotland 2018 – A Whisky (Re)Launch, Canoeing On The Spey And A Visit To...
In part one, I covered the magical and memorable day spent at GlenDronach with Rachel Barrie. Now it’s time to pick up the story again where I left off… As if a distillery tour, a picnic, a whisky...
View Article2018 Whisky & Spirits Live – The Whisky List and Exhibitor Guide
The 2018 Whisky & Spirits Live Festival in Sandton, Johannesburg kicks off in a few days time, running from October 31st to November 2nd. As always, there will be a wide selection of whiskies on...
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